[Salon] Nearly 9 times increase in Indian asylum seekers in the US in two years


Nearly 9 times increase in Indian asylum seekers in the US in two years. From 4330 in 2021 to 41,330 in 2023. Half of these asylum seeking applicants are from Modi’s Gujarat only. If Modi has developed India so much, why Gujaratis are fleeing from India?


Fearing Trump, Modi agrees to take back all the Indians, who are staying illegally in the US. In the first batch 18,000 of 750,000 will be deported. These guys used to chant 'Modi, Modi' once in a while when Modi was traveling to the US. Now, they can do this every day in India.


The surge in asylum seekers from Gujarat suggests that development may not be reaching all citizens equally. It raises concerns about underlying issues like political or economic instability prompting people to leave.


Thousands of IT engineers standing outside an IT company in Pune, India, for a handful of jobs. Trump has stopped routes to America, so the ‘IT engineers’ have now got an opportunity to enjoy Modi’s ‘super power’ India!


High unemployment rate and poverty are very serious issues but people's minds are being diverted towards religious issues

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